I had a wonderful chat with the Growth Hacking Show - all about how to Thrive in Business and Life. You can hear the podcast here - hope you get lots of tips! Don't forget to leave a review/your thoughts.

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What are you worrying about? Because I bet there is something that you're worried about isn't there? We all do it - mithering and picking at things that 'might' happen. But how helpful has this worrying ever been to you? Why do we do it? Worrying must have some sort of use, else why would it exist? But how helpful is it really? Let's talk about this in today's Genuine Chat with Gina; bring your current worries and together we will work out if your worry is founded, unfounded, useful or useless.

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Any business leader must have asked themselves that question countless times. Do you? I read some research earlier this week which focussed on the top ten worries for business leaders. They included some pretty weighty issues, survival being top of the list. Does worrying about survival actually make things worse? What we focus on impacts hugely on the way we think and operate.

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Margaret Lovett is a #Reinvented woman that loves podcasts. There is so much opportunity to leverage people's brands, business, books - simply by moving within the podcast industry. This episode features Gina Gardiner - Help for low confidence - Own your power and don't set limits upon yourself no matter your age! You can have a happy fulfilled life. Own your power drawing from a higher dimension in order to reach your greater potential personally & professionally. Gina created a winning formula for happiness & success.

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Welcome to this monthly series of dialogues between Gina Gardiner and Deborah Thorne, The Information Diva

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What do you think 'wisdom' is? What does that mean to you and how do you see your wisdom appearing in your day to day life? Perhaps you think of wisdom as the slow accumulation of knowledge and experience? Perhaps always having the latest fact and figure at your fingertips makes you feel wise? Or maybe your version of wisdom is a lifelong search for truths. Truths that connect you to the divinity of your own humanity and to nature and the big wide universe and help you find a divine grace to the way you live your life and give it meaning. Perhaps that is what wisdom is to you? Well, I am going to chat this through with my good friend Rachel - we're going to be two wise women having a wise chat. I hope you join us and lend us your wisdom too

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It was a great privilege to be interviewed by Deb Krier on her podcast show - The Business Power Hour® on C-Suite Radio Live. Here is the recording of our discussion about my beliefs that the world needs more Enlightened Leaders and what I am doing to make that happen!

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(and what does this teach you about how to motivate others?) Motivation to live life to the full; where do you find yours? Do you even know what actually motivates you? This blog explores the key motivators in life, so you can understand yourself better, and make informed choices to create the life you truly aspire to.

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How to cure the epidemic of learned helplessness? This is what I have decided to chat about today with my good friend Rachel. I'm currently working towards the launch of a new and exciting leadership programme and also working with lots of businesses helping them solve their management and leadership issues. I get to see a *lot* of learned helplessness in these workplaces. Essentially the teams have been 'trained', albeit inadvertently, by their leaders to do exactly the opposite of what the managers say they want their staff to be! They have learned to always ask the boss first, they have learned that taking a risk, even a considered one, is not worth it without first running it past the boss. They have learned to stick to what they know is safe and not risk the potential of the boss's disapproval. Yet, to a one, each of the 'bosses' talk of wanting a team that is proactively using their individual creativity, their intelligence and their greater knowledge of the 'front-line' for the good of the business. These bosses talk about wanting to create an 'empowered' culture. So how on earth does this gap develop? We're going to chat about it *and* we're going to talk about how it is possible to cure this helplessness epidemic...

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Today's Genuine Chat we're going to be discussing what many might think of as a difficult topic; Dealing with Abuse. In recent months I have had a concentration of clients who have suffered varying degrees of abuse in their lives. I spend a lot of time working with them gently and consistently to move them into a space where they feel better able to resolve the issues created by the abusive behaviour and in the aftermath of it. My aim is to create a capability in their hearts and minds where they can feel forgiveness. This is often a provocative word though - one might think that forgiving what is unforgivable behaviour is a strange thing for me to encourage abuse survivors to seek! So let me explain what I mean...

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